K&N Prime Yield Corp

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1214
All-time Average Score: 164
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5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 735 0 169 0 1.13% Unknown 3.62 24.09
September / 2015 735 108 169 10 1.13% Unknown 3.62 24.09
August / 2015 843 82 159 -7 0.00% Unknown 3.51 23.34
June / 2015 925 131 166 6 0.71% Unknown 3.51 23.34
May / 2015 1056 30 160 0 0.00% Unknown 4.15 23.99
April / 2015 1086 -106 160 -8 0.00% Unknown 4.15 23.99
March / 2015 980 159 168 7 0.72% Unknown 4.15 23.99
February / 2015 1139 -97 161 0 0.00% Unknown 4.65 23.54
January / 2015 1042 -8 161 -9 0.00% Unknown 4.65 23.54
December / 2014 1034 198 170 9 1.01% Unknown 4.65 23.54
November / 2014 1232 -70 161 0 0.00% Unknown 4.86 23.84
October / 2014 1162 649 161 -10 0.00% Unknown 4.86 23.84
September / 2014 1811 -589 171 10 1.02% Unknown 4.86 23.84
July / 2014 1222 482 161 -11 0.00% Unknown 5.07 23.24
June / 2014 1704 -389 172 12 1.33% Unknown 5.07 23.24
May / 2014 1315 -91 160 0 0.00% Unknown 4.65 22.06
April / 2014 1224 94 160 -11 0.00% Unknown 4.65 22.06
March / 2014 1318 127 171 11 1.20% Unknown 4.65 22.06
February / 2014 1445 -149 160 0 0.00% Unknown 4.71 20.83
January / 2014 1296 144 160 -10 0.00% Unknown 4.71 20.83
December / 2013 1440 32 170 10 1.21% Unknown 4.71 20.83
November / 2013 1472 -91 160 0 0.00% Unknown 4.77 20.04
October / 2013 1381 13 160 -10 0.00% Unknown 4.77 20.04
September / 2013 1394 -199 170 11 1.23% Unknown 4.77 20.04
August / 2013 1195 54 159 0 0.00% Unknown 4.33 19.67
July / 2013 1249 -143 159 -9 0.00% Unknown 4.33 19.67
June / 2013 1106 262 168 9 0.93% Unknown 4.33 19.67
May / 2013 1368 -85 159 0 0.00% Unknown 4.20 20.56
April / 2013 1283 -87 159 -11 0.00% Unknown 4.20 20.56
March / 2013 1196 37 170 12 1.26% Unknown 4.20 20.56
February / 2013 1233 0 158 New 0.00% Unknown 4.08 20.87


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


K&N Prime Yield Corp's best month was June 2014, ranked #1704 with a HedgeScore of 172 earning a 1.33% positive return.

K&N Prime Yield Corp's worst month was February 2013 , ranked #1233 with a HedgeScore of 158


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!